bookU | Mobile Developer


Mobile Developer

Picture this: you take a trip back in time, to - let's say - 1990. You're an entrepreneur. The inevitable paperwork, managed by your now vintage Commodore 286, is causing more than a few headaches, making you rather dive into a stack of carbon copy. It's like choosing between a rock and a hard place, right? And a 38-hour workweek? Forget it, you'd never get by!

Now fast forward to 2023, and suddenly, it doesn't seem so bad, does it? At bookU, since 2017, we've been hard at work in the heart of West Flanders, striving to make entrepreneurs' lives easier by streamlining their team's administration, planning, and payroll processing. We've made it intuitive, ingenious, and... pocket-sized. And that's where you, as a Mobile Developer, could very well step into our story!


Say what?


Passionate Mobile Developer with a burning passion for designing and developing mobile software applications? Don't swipe, but apply straight away!

  • You work with our development team to analyze user requirements and design creative mobile software solutions.
  • Your knowledge of the Ionic framework and related mobile technologies are your tools to develop high-end, intuitive applications. 
  • As a Mobile Developer, you are the crucial link in the entire life cycle of an app, from design to coding, testing, implementation, troubleshooting, and debugging. 
  • Based on comprehensive tests, you ensure that the functionality and performance of a mobile app meet current standards. Setting the bar higher is always appreciated!
  • In order to smoothly integrate mobile software applications, you work seamlessly within your multifunctional team, including product managers and designers. 
  • You seamlessly integrate software components and stay up to date with the latest trends and technologies, potentially applying them in the app development process.

You, who?


We are looking for a motivated Mobile Developer with not only technical skills but also a distinct sense of aesthetics and design. The ideal candidate is someone with a fiery passion for developing groundbreaking mobile solutions, always ready to further develop and grow.

  • Innate sense of design
    Naturally, your technical skills are essential, but as a Mobile Developer, you also benefit from a strong sense of design. You are able to distinguish good design from bad design. In close collaboration with our Product Designer, you ensure that our apps are not only functional but also attractive and intuitive.
  • Familiar with the Ionic framework
    At bookU, we like to use what the Ionic framework has to offer for mobile application development. If you are familiar or even proficient with Ionic, you have more than a leg up. No experience yet but willing to dive in completely? Be sure to give it a shot!
  • Versatile in app development
    We realize that with both Android and iOS dominating the mobile world, a Mobile Developer needs to be versatile. Do you have experience in both, or at least the willingness to learn to develop for both platforms? Then you're one step closer to joining the bookU bunch.
  • Database systems knowledge
    In today's data-driven world, understanding how database systems work is a valuable asset. While you don't need to be an expert, a fundamental understanding of how databases work will definitely help you build efficient mobile applications.
  • Problem-solving prowess
    Without failure, there's no learning. That's how it goes. We value individuals who don't get scared when facing a challenge. With excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail, you repeatedly provide effective solutions to technical obstacles and complex issues.
  • Team player
    Collaboration is essential for success. As a Mobile Developer at bookU, you thrive in a team environment, maintaining contact with various departments and positively contributing to group dynamics.
  • Communication is key
    Naturally, writing beautiful code is great, but there's more to it, such as the ability to effectively convey ideas to your team, provide updates, and be open to constructive feedback. At bookU, we appreciate developers who can clearly articulate their ideas and are receptive to feedback.

In short, we're not just looking for a developer. We're looking for someone who can contribute substantively to our vision and projects. Sounds like you? We look forward to getting to know you better. 


We, who?

Okay, so far, we've covered what the job entails and who you are. But who is bookU?


  • At bookU, everything revolves around administrative simplification through intuitive software. And you can see that in our trendy 'Silicon Valley-worthy' workspace in the Texas of Flanders, Kortrijk.
  • When you say bookU, you mean youthful agility and accessibility, and that's what we stick to. There are no ivory towers or glass ceilings here, just a high approachability.
  • Naturally, we like to provide quick support to our customers, but we also like to play. Board games, a game night, an escape room... You name it! After all, you know what they say: work hard, play hard!




If there's a match, we'd love to introduce you to something wonderful:

  • A challenging job with growth potential and a salary with impact and benefits (including meal vouchers worth 8 euros per day).
  • An education budget to expand your knowledge in relevant domains.
  • A flexible hybrid work regime to achieve an optimal work-life balance.
  • A vibrant atmosphere with room for work, sports, and relaxation.
  • Many team activities (including food and drinks).
  • A lot of appreciation for how you develop yourself and build our company.

    Apply now!