bookU | Crèmerie François melts for the...


Crèmerie François melts for the possibilities of bookU

Although they have stuck to their original recipe at Crèmerie François since 1928, bookU as a new tool is sure to please. Whereas using two different planning tools in the past entailed a significant risk of errors, bookU has for some time now allowed complete planning in one place.



Working with two different planning tools is a thing of the past


Crèmerie François is the oldest ice cream parlour in Belgium. "We have been in existence since 1928 and for that long we have been faithful to Mr François’ own recipe," says manager Lies Van De Casserie.


"We chose bookU because before we had the problem that we actually had to work with 2 different planning tools. We first had to create a schedule in one programme, only to have to transfer that entire schedule back to the temping agency's schedule. And we didn’t like the risk of making mistakes."


The big advantage?

The advantage that bookU offers the team at Crèmerie François today is that the entire planning can now be laid out in a single tool.

"It is very clear and the risk of making mistakes has actually become minimal because you no longer have to transfer the planning to yet another external programme."


Also fancy a U-turn for your planning, admin and/or time registration? 


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